WARNING – Preparation is the most important aspect of any Resin bound/bonded installation.
For a quality installation that not only looks great but also stands the test of time its all about the preparation, this is the case when laying any driveway using any surface type but none more so than when using resin bound/bonded as your chosen wearing course. It’s crucial that ALL resin installations are done methodically & the correct procedures and specifications are followed.
Read on to learn more about the importance of preparation and factors that influence the finished product look and longevity-
Overlays a great and cost effective way of getting a new driveway, The current existing surface must be structurally sound and be prepared properly to ensure the quality of the install.
Here at The Yorkshire Resin Company, we have a dedicated power clean division which is used in preparation for all our resin applications. Power Clean UK is a mobile cleaning unit complete with an onboard 1000 litre water tank and the latest, most powerful, pressure washing equipment.
When laying resin over an existing surface, preparation is key to a permanent and quality finish. This is another key stage which many company’s take lightly and once again just shows how the service from Yorkshire Resin Company is in a league of its own. Here at Yorkshire Resin we have a dedicated powerclean division. Our dedicated powerclean vehicle is designed specifically for jet washing and features a dual operation high powered 250 bar pressure electric start diesel motor and
pump which uses 29 ltr of water per minute. The vehicle is also kitted out with a 1000 litre water tank and 2 x 50m high pressure hoses on dispensers for ease of use, along with turbo lances controllable fan lancers and 24 inch flat surface cleaner it really is a smart setup. This given approach ensures that not only is the surface clean but the sheer power of the equipment used also identifies any weak or substandard areas to the existing surface which could be easily missed by a standard hand held jet wash . When overlaying resin bound on existing surfaces it of the highest importance that that surface is prepared to a high standard.
Using this equipment and our techniques any problem areas are quickly identified so that remedial works can take place prior to the resin application. This ensures the subbase is adequate for the future and no problems will arise.
When laying resin products on to any surface it is important that the resin gets a good key (sticks) to that given surface. a surface covered in even a thin layer of grime or debris will severely reduce this key and result in the resin lifting at some point causing cracking or coming lose.
Chemical key – chemical key is when the two surfaces coming together bond well together naturally using the chemical agents in both surfaces. You get a good chemical key with overlay on asphalt (tarmac) surfaces.
Mechanical key – mechanical key is when the two surfaces coming together interlock with each other giving a good mechanical key, two blocks of Lego for example is a good mechanical key.
Concrete surfaces always require a roller coat of resin primer to ensure a good chemical key is achieved for a long-lasting quality finish. Really smooth concrete or Asphalt will need primer with a course kiln dried sand broadcast over the surface(SAND SETS INTO THE PRIMER) to give extra mechanical key.
In most cases a good mechanical and chemical key is achieved when overlaying on properly prepared asphalt (tarmac surfaces)
When excavating an area ready for a fully SUDS compliant resin bound system it is essential that all preparation is done methodically to the correct specification using quality materials fit for the surfaces intended usage and is installed using the correct methods & equipment.
Again the preparation and subbase and base course build up is essential to a driveway that will perform and serve you well for many years.
Groundworks has never been and never will be an exact science so what that means is that every excavation is different and needs to be individually assessed by the groundworks team so the surface build up will meet and exceed the requirements for the finished surfaces intended use. In most cases the standard resin manufactures recommendations and specification for subbase/base course build up will suffice but in some cases the ground will need extra excavation with additional layers added for which the manufactures specification
can be built upon.
For example if we dig down the required 250-300mm specified and it is still soft earth we may need to excavate an extra 200-300mm and install a capping layer. A capping layer comprises of oversize hardcore usualy 50-100 mm that once well
compacted gives a sufficient subbase to build upon.
In some cases a breathable membrane may need to be used to stop any problematic growth that may be present in the area.
At the Yorkshire Resin Co we only use the best materials and our methodical approach leaves little room for error. We believe and have proven that getting every aspect of the base coat and preparation right not only adds up to a stunningly attractive driveway but one that will stand the test of time.
Technical info on the importance of choosing the correct materials and installation meathods-
Its is so important that the correct materials for the build-up of subbases and base courses are used –
Hardcore subbase – the hardcore must be a good 40mm down to grit(Barley any dust) to ensure that once its compacted the water can pass through or sit without affecting its structural integrity. Many companies use a type one hardcore that once waterlogged becomes unstable and can displace under the driveway causing dips or sinkholes. The hardcore must be well compacted using either a heavy tarmac roller or forward reverse diesel compaction plate. A small whacker plate will not suffice in compacting the hardcore correctly. Small whacker plates can be used in conjunction with a roller or heavy diesel compaction plate.
Asphalt Basecourse – The asphalt base course needs to be an open texture AC 14-20MM , The 14-20mm referrers to the size off aggregate(stone) that is mixed with the asphalt. 14-20mm will give far superior results when it comes to load
bearing and actual strength over smaller 10mm aggregate subbases. Many companies will opt for a 10mm aggregate as it makes it easier to install and you get a better looking finish, the look of the finish is not important as it will be covered in the resin wearing course but the structural strength is very important. Using a 10mm aggregate also gives a much smoother finish will also reduces the natural mechanical key which is described in more detail in the overlay technical
info above. All asphalt subbase must again like the hardcore be compacted properly using either a heavy roller of diesel forward reverse compaction plate.
Watch out and always be aware –The groundworks industry is rife with with unsavoury characters and companies that will say and do anything to get the job and get it done asap, The resin industry is can be a bit of a mine field with Many companies out there simply get the preparation wrong , not because they are always bad people or have bad intensions, they are simply not educated with the correct information and do not have the experience to learn from. Don’t become
another bad statistic and feature on our horror stories page.
Here at the Yorkshire resin company we have all the knowledge and experience to get the job done just how it should be done.
To find out more information on the importance of using the right resin products please see our resin bound specification page.
After Care: Reduced rates for power cleaning to ensure it stays as good as new!
We like to keep a good relationship with all our customers and offer a reduced rate for power cleaning of all new resin surfaces once a year to ensure it stays as good as new. Driveways are usually a sizable investment and well worth and Highley recommended that our customers either complete annual maintenance themselves or take advantage of our great
Powerclean service.
Using our Powerclean service provides you piece of mind because you know we are always on hand to identify and attend any problems you may have that are covered in your 10 year guarantee.
Please see our maintenance page for more information on Powerclean.
We are registered in England & Wales – Company Number 08372543. VAT Number – 156213625. Registered Office Address: Unit 10, Howley Park Road East, Howley Park Industrial Estate, Morley, Leeds, LS27 0SW.
We are registered in England & Wales – Company Number 08372543. VAT Number – 156213625. Registered Office Address: Unit 10, Howley Park Road East, Howley Park Industrial Estate, Morley, Leeds, LS27 0SW.
Address: Unit 10 Howley Park Road East, Howley Park Industrial Estate, Morley, Leeds, LS27 0SW
Yorkshire Resin Company Ltd © Copyright 2025
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