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      5. Resin Bound Specification

      This is the specification of a typical Resin Bound Driveway which allows the finished surface to be permeable, hard wearing and aesthetically beautiful as well as a SUDs [Sustainable Urban Drainage System].

      Our Resin Bound Drives minimise puddles, ice and growth of mould and weeds and due to their permeability, require very little maintenance. Resin Bound Driveways also do not require planning permission as they create a Sustainable Urban Drainage System [SUDs].

      What are Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems?

      SUDS are drainage solutions that provide an alternative to the direct channelling of surface water through man-made networks to nearby watercourses.

      By mimicking natural drainage regimes, SUDS aim to reduce surface water flooding, improve water quality and enhance the amenity and biodiversity value of the environment. SUDs achieve this by lowering flow rates, increasing water storage capacity and reducing the transport of pollution to the water environment.

      The need for alternative drainage such as SUDs is likely to increase to meet environmental challenges such as climate change and population growth. Provision for SUDs and the national standards required for their design, construction, maintenance and operation is included in the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.

      If you are looking for an environmentally friendly alternative to block paving, tarmac or concrete, a resin bound driveway is the right choice.

      The importance of using the right products

      A Common problem many people face when looking for installation company’s or tradesmen, is finding not only honest and reputable companies but ones that also only use quality bona fide materials from good suppliers. This is a major problem in the resin industry right now and seems that it will get worse before it can get better! the main problem is there are so many companies starting to install resin without researching and educating themselves on the right products and correct application. Some of these companies do a great job with the preparation and the resin at first looks great, its only further down the line usually 6-12 months when the ‘cracks’ in their work literally start to appear! There is a lot of let’s say ‘cowboy’ installers out there who through bad installation just get it wrong! but there are just as many good integral installers who find their driveways failing due to substandard products for the finishing coat of resin!

      It is a mine field for customers to find the right installer and can be a minefield for installers to find the right supplier! The problem is with resin suppliers that claim to be manufactures, they just simply buy in the raw materials, mix them up, decant them into to tubs, stick a label on them before selling out to the masses as the real deal! these companies do a great marketing job and easy to see why installers get sucked in!

      We took two different types of resin that are being widely used and put them to the test, the results were alarming!! Given that all installers pretty much lay the resin at 18-20 mm it is no wonder why companies using these products are having problems. One of the tests unbelievably would have to be laid an impossible 55mm to have the same results as our system laid at 18mm.

      Our advice; always try and research companies as well as the products they use. A good rule of thumb is try and use a company that has being trading at least 3 years and only uses certified products and can back that up with testing and data sheets.

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