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      5. What causes rust spots on resin driveways?

      Some certain finishes of resin driveways have been known to cause rust spots once exposed to the elements of the British weather. It has caused resin driveway owners some degree of concern and worry, why are the rust spots appearing and how can they be treated?

      Rust spots on resin driveways

      The most common reason for resin driveways to show rusting is the metal trapped within the aggregates (Iron Ore), once these metal elements come into contact with the wet British weather rusting will start to surface. You’ll notice that this will appear in sporadic spots and can overtime become more noticeable.

      Other reason how rust spots can appear is when a metal object is left on the resin driveway surface and overtime will corrode when becoming wet, this maybe a spanner, a child’s bike or even a metal flower container.

      This process of rust spotting is called oxidation. It is hard to avoid with particular resin finishes that naturally contain iron ore, so you won’t be the only resin driveway customer to face this problem.

      When the iron ore reacts with oxygen this forms a chemical called hydrated iron oxide and then when water reacts with this chemical you’ll find the rust spots on the surface.


      Don’t worry if you’ve had a resin driveway installed and now facing rust spots we have a sister company that has a history of removing these rust sports. You can contact them by visiting our site for a free no obligation quote.

      The Yorkshire Resin Company

      If you’re interested in a resin driveway then why not contact us through one of our online forms. We’ll be more than happy to provide a free no obligation quote.

      We’ve over 25 years’ experience in groundworks so if you’ve any questions in regards resin driveways, or looking for that professional company for extra reassurance then we’re the company for you.


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